Dealing with Karens as a business owner can be challenging. Fortunately, there are some helpful resources that you can utilize when dealing with this challenging customer.
First and foremost, do not get drawn into their unreasonable complaints. Simply ignore them and try not to respond in kind.
1. Don?t absorb their ridiculous complaints.
Supportive Resources
When dealing with Karen, the most important thing is not to become overwhelmed by their unreasonable complaints. They may become triggered and want their way, so try your best to remain composed and rational when speaking to them.
To prevent this, make sure you document each complaint you receive so you have a thorough understanding of what transpired. Doing this will also enable you to resolve their issue swiftly.
If you don’t have customer service software, using an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of each complaint can save a lot of time in the long run and even turn an unhappy customer into a loyal one.
Additionally, you should craft a response to each complaint that addresses the customer by their first name. Doing this makes the response more personalized and allows you to offer them an apology.
Making yourself look professional and friendly will go a long way towards winning their trust for future deals. Additionally, this will enhance your reputation, encouraging other people to visit your store and spend more money with you.
In addition to absorption, you should also strive not to mirror their behavior. They often shout, gesticulate and throw toys out of their pram, so it’s essential that you do not do this yourself.
They may expect you to do this in their presence, and take it personally if they believe you’re shouting at them.
You could also speak to them as if you were talking to a child instead of an elderly woman. Doing this will help diffuse the situation and prevent you from letting their emotions get the better of you.
2. Nod as you dial customer service but reply very little.
When speaking with customer service, make it a habit of nodding your head verbally at each significant mention of your name or product. This is an effective way to demonstrate that you are paying attention and paying close attention to what the customer is saying.
The beauty of this strategy is that it not only benefits your company’s image, but also customers and colleagues. Winning their business ensures your company gets another or third chance at getting things right the first time around. However, to succeed with this method you must be willing to experiment and learn from mistakes; only then can you become an even better customer service expert and grow your company over time.
4. Don?t let them trigger you.
When dealing with a Karen, it’s best to avoid any potential triggers. They are highly unpredictable creatures and you never know what you’ll get; this can be terrifying for some people.
Avoiding a triggered Karen is often the best strategy. Ignoring them or disengaging with them completely allows them to see your situation from another point of view, which may give them an alternative view and reduce their likelihood of expressing anger or frustration.
Another strategy is to remain positive. If Karen is feeling low, try finding something about them that you can appreciate. They may be angry due to a disability or feel as if they’re being watched too closely. Whatever the case may be, stay positive!
It is essential to remember that Karens tend to be self-indulgent and self-righteous. They lack empathy for others and usually hold a very negative view of the world.
They tend to judge others and take offense at things that do not directly affect them. This could include discrimination by a service worker, or having a complaint made to a company about something as minor as having too many ice cubes in one’s iced skinny vanilla latte.
As such, they can be a very hazardous species. Not only will they exacerbate any existing issues you might have but they’re also an absolute nightmare to manage.
In addition, Karens often feel deeply resentful and angry at a society that has failed them, which can lead to various other issues such as anxiety or depression. If you need support while dealing with a Karen, there are plenty of excellent resources available to guide you and your family through difficult times.
5. Don?t mirror their behaviour.
Karens are individuals who have become so lost in their own world that they no longer care about society’s rules. As such, they will tend to be rude, obnoxious, and generally unpleasant.
When dealing with Karen, the worst thing you can do is mirror their behaviour. That will only lead to disaster and it’s something she takes great pleasure in doing.
Thankfully, there are ways you can help avoid this from occurring. The first is not to take their silly complaints personally; doing so only irritates them and makes them even angrier and upset.
You can also show empathy and tact when speaking to them about a sensitive topic. For instance, keep things calm and rational when discussing an important subject with them.
If they are shouting and gesticulating, communicate to them in a calm and non-condescending tone; do not patronize them. Avoid allowing their behaviour to trigger you as this only serves to make them more aggressive and frustrated.
Over the past few years, “Karen” has gained in popularity as an epithet for middle class white women who display behaviors indicative of privilege. Examples include demanding to speak to a manager, opposing vaccination and engaging in racist micro-aggressions.
Thus, this meme has become an increasingly common phenomenon. Recently, it’s appeared in various contexts – from Domino’s Pizza promotions to an argument between two women in Central Park.
These incidents are upsetting, yet they also serve to highlight how people of color often have to contend with white women and men policing their space. Aram Sinnreich, an associate professor of communication at American University in Washington, D.C., notes these cases as a poignant reminder of how much white people can benefit from their privilege.