Stories of Karens Who Got What They Really Deserve

Karma for Karens
By Karma for Karens
11 Min Read

Stories of Karens who got what they really deserve

Service industry employees deal with entitled Karens on a regular basis and it can be truly satisfying when their unfair claims finally pay off. Whether this happens through complete or partially assisted karma, it’s rewarding to watch these individuals give in and accept what’s coming their way.

1. A man who gave a Karen a steaming hot plate of her own recipe

The Karen meme has quickly become a viral internet trend, serving as an easy target for white women who behave rudely or act entitled in public. Karen is something of a stereotype, featuring a short bob haircut often found among suburban moms, tendencies towards entitlement, as well as being narcissistic, obnoxious, and antagonistic; making for great entertainment when she gets taken down a peg by the internet community.

Freeby defines Karens as pushy white women who fail to read the room and prioritize themselves over everyone else while using self-serving behavior, like that seen in viral videos featuring white women behaving this way; such as New York City mom who freaked out about TikTok dancers or Red Lobster employee over COVID-19 pandemic regulations for masks.

As Karens are often racist or xenophobic, people love shaming them on social media – with trolls frequently taking advantage. A two-year-old named Karmacop97 created the subreddit Fuck You Karen as a parody of someone using the now deleted username FuckYouKaren on Reddit to mock this trend.

Shaming Karens is essential for increasing awareness of their behaviors and perceptions, and of how white privilege is exploited and misused by those unaware of its existence. We should all pay attention to this issue not just for racial justice purposes but for our own wellbeing as well. So if you find yourself acting like one yourself don’t despair! If there is still time to make positive changes for the better!

2. A woman who screamed at a man in a Wawa parking lot

At this point, it’s clear Karens are an impediment to society — particularly within the restaurant and retail industries — yet that doesn’t stop Redditors from sharing stories of when they took action against one that needed it and all lived happily ever after.

“When working in a night shift service (like an emergency room but for non-emergency stuff like prescription for hypertension medications and the like), an elderly lady walked in demanding my help in filling her order immediately. Although she was slightly pushy with me, she did not scream – only made it clear she needed the items immediately. I found her unusual but did my best to comply. She wasn’t abusive – just firm.”

Karma had swiftly come back to haunt her: an older woman was revealed to be the wife of a man currently jailed for using a hammer to attack and beat his wife to death after refusing to open the front door to him and his friends. A friend reported this incident to authorities and stated that his wife had had a disagreement over allowing his guests to use a couch from the living room, something which she refused.

He soon found himself on his way to Wawa with his wife to purchase some supplies, parking in the same spot and waiting. Once inside, she went inside to buy her drink while he blocked her in with his vehicle – when she started heading back towards her vehicle when her husband opened his door and stabbed her multiple times, puncturing her heart and cutting open her throat.

3. A woman who screamed at a man in a McDonald’s parking lot

“Karen” has come to represent more than your average white person; it has come to signify women who believe their way is the only right one and who view others with suspicion or call police on them just for walking their dog in a park. These “Karens” tend to be suburban middle-aged women from suburbia who feel entitled and regularly complain on Nextdoor about nonwhite neighbors; or those who call the police on them simply for being there with their pup.

Karen became a popular baby name in 1965, making its peak popularity among boomers around this time. Nowadays, these Karen women can be found online too, where their online behavior has become an increasing problem as social media shifts the power balance within our society – in previous times Beckys or Chads were often singled out for inappropriate conduct; but now it is Karens being called out.

Reddit user u/iamjayjayisme recently shared an encounter she had at McDonald’s parking lot that is an excellent example of Karen: an angry customer not wearing mask in the restaurant and who began belittling him verbally and belittling him verbally as soon as they noticed it was missing from his attire. Watch the video below to witness this woman and how quickly her reactions changed into belittling him!

When the man refused to leave the premises she became increasingly aggressive and began screaming at him. However, the filming man remained calm and just asked her to please leave before getting in her car and speeding off. Later she reported him as having threatened her and her dog before calling the cops who accused her of falsely reporting a crime – this may result in up to one year imprisonment for false reporting the crime.

4. A woman who screamed at a man in a Burger King parking lot

Felicia or Becky may be easy to mock on the internet, but “Karen” remains unbeatable as an archetype for white women who sees themselves as authoritative figures who use their privilege to dominate others and pass it along to future generations. “Karen” has become a meme staple over time – used countless times as it depicts a particular type of white female that prides themselves on knowing her place in society while viewing it as something they can pass down through generations.

Karens use their relative power to get what they want at the expense of people of color. Their narcissistic sense of entitlement often drives this behavior; however, environmental or personal circumstances may also play a part in contributing to it.

“Dog Park Karen” became an internet phenomenon after calling the police on a black man who humped her own dog at a local park; her actions caused such outrage that she lost her job altogether. Additionally, “Karen from the Pool” quickly went viral when she complained about a lack of chlorine in her hotel swimming pool.

Karens do not simply suffer from misguided entitlement; their methods to get what they want can often be loud and disruptive; sometimes going as far as harassing or intimidating neighbors such as “Karen from the Balcony”, who threatened to call the cops against a Black family for blocking her view of it from the balcony.

Although some Karens may act indefensibly on purpose, others fall victim to bad behavior inadvertently. Unfortunately, internet doesn’t hold these women as accountable as quickly, but still face the repercussions for their misdeeds.

5. A woman who screamed at a man in a Burger King parking lot

Unnamed woman was fired after she yelled obscenities at a customer in the parking lot of a Burger King restaurant in Union, South Carolina. Police were dispatched following reports of an apparent disturbance and saw 39-year-old Jennifer Major yelling and screaming expletives at employees while being heard across the drive-thru lane. Police asked Major to calm down but she continued shouting loud enough that it could be heard in drive-thru lanes; eventually police had no choice but to take action escorting her off premises handcuffed after which police filed charges alleging tampering with food as they believe she mixed French fry from trash bins with freshly cooked ones before being mixed together before making them for sale to customers.

On February 20, Morales was driving her vehicle through the Burger King parking lot when she noticed a man parked adjacent to her, who allegedly cut her off while trying to enter a drive-thru lane. She attempted to pull over onto the side of the road but no response was forthcoming from him; upon trying to leave he started hitting her car before reaching into her window and trying to yank her out of it. Morales reported the incident to police.

Karen was fired following her bizarre allegations at work. During her tenure, she repeatedly complained that they only promoted men instead of her and she became so outraged she wrote her resignation letter in protest. We love it when such ridiculous schemes fail! We love seeing those attempting to take advantage of something totally ridiculous get caught and fail.

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