If you’ve ever been on social media, chances are you’ve encountered Karens. These individuals tend to be entitled, arrogant, rude and demanding.
Racially charged and with an unreasonable attitude toward science and vaccines, these individuals can be challenging to deal with; however, if you find yourself in their crosshairs there are steps you can take to effectively respond.
Stay Calm
Karens are women who are highly self-indulgent, selfish and totally focused on themselves. They lack empathy for anyone else and exhibit extreme aggression when provoked.
These women should not be underestimated. You need to take care of yourself and remain composed.
Many of these women are narcissists and may be suffering from undiagnosed mental health issues. They can be highly dangerous if you don’t take the right steps to address them.
They are a unique breed, so here is some information you should know about them.
First and foremost, these individuals are highly emotional and need to be the center of attention. They will do anything to get that reaction – even if it means hurting someone in the process.
These can include screaming and crying, or even hitting people. As a result of their extreme anger, it is essential to keep them calm.
When dealing with Karen, remember that they are not your friend and you must exercise caution in what you say. Be crystal clear, composed and rational when speaking to her.
To effectively deal with a Karen, it’s best to listen carefully to their concerns rather than engaging in arguments.
They may be going through a difficult time in their life and feeling overwhelmed. Perhaps they have been victims of racism, lost their job or had their home broken into and need to express their emotions.
Feeling anger can be a very trying experience for someone, and it may also make them feel threatened or insecure, which may explain why they become so frustrated.
When encountering a Karen, it is essential to remain composed and speak to them like the child that they are becoming.
Maintaining clarity and objectivity in one’s voice is important, but also mindful of their body language.
Though it will be challenging, you must persevere.
Listen to Their Issues
Business owners or customer service agents need to be prepared for Karens in any setting – be it at a store, on an airplane, or at your local restaurant. These encounters can be challenging and frustrating for all parties involved.
To effectively handle Karen, remain calm and listen carefully to their concerns. Even if you disagree with their perspective, be willing to hear what they have to say.
Dani Weller, customer service team leader at Bionic, notes that Karens aren’t your typical customers; they have a lot on their mind. When Karens express pain, fear or upset they often share why with great detail.
Weller emphasizes the importance of keeping your cool while listening carefully and empathizing with what they have to say. That will be essential in helping them reach a resolution they feel satisfied with, according to Weller.
But it’s also essential to remember that Karens are not all alike and not all with good intentions. Some may simply be angry at a perceived injustice and attempt to voice their opinion in public forums.
Karens tend to have more negative experiences with racism and police brutality than other ethnicities. Furthermore, they typically possess a greater level of entitlement and privilege which they use as fuel when feeling frustrated or angry.
According to some social commentators, Karens can be particularly telling. They often display an undercover form of white racism that exists beneath the surface of everyday life.
For instance, in a video from June, wealthy couple Patricia and Mark McCloskey were seen brandishing guns at protesters on their porch. They quickly earned the nicknames “Karen” and “Ken.”
One type of Karen who may be particularly troubling is the one who refuses to wear a face covering in public, believes the pandemic is overblown, and has no problem remaining quarantined. These Karens serve as symbols for the stresses and anxieties people can experience when having to cope with their own coronavirus.
Don?t Argue
Karens often become emotionally invested in their opinions and will attempt to prove them right by including irrelevant details, personal attacks and red herrings. Be wary when engaging Karens in conversation as you may find yourself getting drawn into their world of emotions and prejudice.
They become angry and resentful of the world around them, feeling as though they are being treated unfairly, leading them to spew mud on the other person in an effort to make themselves feel better.
Although you cannot always avoid Karen, there are ways to respond effectively and avoid being humiliated or hurt by her. The best course of action is to remain composed and speak rationally to her.
To accomplish this goal, it’s essential to remember that engaging in arguments with Karens is rarely beneficial. While it may make you feel better at the time, you will likely regret your decisions later on down the line.
It’s essential to recognize that Karen is an angry individual who has lost their way in life, and they believe the only way they can find fulfillment is by making others unhappy. They often act self-righteously and are often not even right, so don’t take their behavior personally.
But that’s not all. According to a new study by online review company Bionic, the biggest Karens aren’t actually named Karen! They looked at names of women who made up 4.8% of complaints globally and determined that Louise sounds three times more Karen-like than Karen does – responsible for 4.8% of them.
The company analyzed over 1.799 complaints on Trustpilot to identify the women responsible for these types of interactions. They then compared those numbers with countries where these women were most frequently found.
Results show that women living in the U.S. were more likely to behave like Karens than other locations such as Democratic Republic of the Congo or the United Kingdom; however, it should be noted this isn’t a generalization; different people can experience this type of behavior.
Keep Your Emotions in Check
When you’re feeling overwhelmed, try taking a few deep breaths. This will help relax you and provide time to think.
Emotions can be an inevitable part of life, but sometimes they can spiral out of control. If you are having difficulty controlling your feelings, professional assistance may be needed to help.
You may experience mood swings, which can lead to negative thoughts and feelings. If you feel overwhelmed, reach out to a friend or loved one who can offer support and provide resources for coping with difficult emotions.
According to Lillian Glass’ book “Toxic People: 10 Ways of Dealing With People Who Make Your Life Miserable,” Karens often come from a place of anger and resentment rather than love or kindness. This understanding is crucial when trying to navigate these challenging relationships in your life.
Some Karens are feeling frustrated with the current economic climate, furloughs, layoffs, lockdowns, the Black Lives Matter movement or a combination of these factors. Additionally, some may be dealing with undiagnosed mental health conditions like depression.
Glass notes that people may feel frustrated with the lack of empathy they receive from others and may act out their frustration in an effort to regain some control over their lives.
Karens notes that people often express their anger in ways which make it appear as though you’re the cause of their problems and life is being destroyed by your decisions. They might even claim you are raising your voice or gesturing in their direction with anger.
Weller emphasizes the importance of controlling your emotions in a relationship with a Karen in order to avoid getting emotionally involved. Communication should be open and honest about what’s going on, but you must remain rational and detached if you want to avoid becoming emotionally invested.
In a healthy relationship, you’ll be able to recognize your own emotions and how they impact your partner. This will make it easier for both of you to be understanding, supportive and loving towards one another.
You might be able to identify the source of your frustration and address it immediately. For instance, if work-related stress has you feeling angry, take some time out of work to reflect on how things could have gone differently and plan for next time.