Karen Public Freakouts

Karma for Karens
By Karma for Karens
11 Min Read

Social media is abuzz with Karen public freakout videos. These videos have generated much curiosity, condemnation and criticism alike.

These videos often depict white women engaging in racist or sexist behavior. They have also ignited a conversation about race and police brutality.

1. A Video of a Black Woman Being Attacked by a White Woman

Over the past few months, Instagram pages like @karensgoingwilds have been gathering footage of individuals labeled “Karens.” They’ve captured numerous instances of racist white women calling police on innocent people, blocking people from leaving parking lots, and screaming beyond reason.

One video in particular illustrates how Karens can transform from being true aggressors to full-on fake victims with minor adjustments. In this instance, a White woman was caught on camera assaulting a Black shopper at Victoria’s Secret store in New Jersey.

The White woman lunged at the Black woman, only to yell and demand she stop recording with her cell phone. Ultimately, the White woman went to police and claimed she had suffered a panic attack due to what had been recorded of her by the Black woman.

She later tells WRAL her “anxiety” caused her to act out against the Black woman, but millions of Americans struggle with mental health disorders which may contribute to inappropriate behaviors.

It’s unfortunate that nobody in this restaurant took any action against the White woman who used this racist slur. Imagine if this had occurred at a Black-owned restaurant or one with majority African American customers. Instead of screaming and demanding that she stop recording herself, perhaps the woman could have asked for directions or told her it’s OK to sit with other Black customers here.

It appears that the White woman has a mental health disorder which is causing her to act out inappropriately. This is especially concerning as there often seems to be an element of “blame shifting” involved in such encounters.

Another recent news story regarding Karen Public Freakouts involves a White woman who was attacked on a Queens bus by three Black women. During the attack, the White woman was struck in the head with an object as their attackers expressed hatred toward White people.

The incident is being investigated by NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force. While none of the three attackers are in custody at present, authorities have identified them. According to reports, the victim suffered bleeding from a “laceration” on her head which is being investigated by investigators.

2. A Video of a White Woman Being Attacked by a Black Woman

Recent News Stories About Karen Public Freakouts

One of the most shocking videos to surface online recently is one featuring a White woman being attacked by a Black woman at Victoria’s Secret store in Millburn, New Jersey. The video depicts her chasing around while screaming and demanding she stop recording herself; it has gone viral.

Ijeoma Ukenta, a Black woman shopping at the mall when the incident occurred, captured it on video and shared it online via her YouTube channel, which she created to seek justice and identify the White woman responsible.

What started as an innocent encounter between two women quickly turned into a physical altercation between them, leading to police intervention. In one clip, she is seen lunging at Ijeoma while screaming and demanding she stop filming. Other clips show her chasing after Ijeoma around the store while screaming and demanding she stop filming.

These incidents illustrate how American society remains marked by discrimination and racial bias. Even when White people do their jobs or try to be polite to fellow workers or customers, they are still vulnerable to harassment and hate crime attacks, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Karen videos and memes illustrate a problem that extends beyond retail establishments, into neighborhoods, workplaces and educational institutions across America. According to anthropologist Dana Sinnreich, these feelings of resentment and anger stem from White America’s shifting economic and political power towards people of color despite decades of racial integration in these institutions.

White Americans have a longstanding and pervasive tradition of asking people of color to explain themselves. This sort of “othering” can be an insidious way for White people to maintain their socioeconomic power, creating barriers for Black people in terms of accessing social services, resources and employment opportunities.

Racial tensions in the United States have been amplified by President Donald Trump’s policies and his base of supporters. The rise of hate crimes, coupled with Black Lives Matter protests, have put many White Americans in a precarious position where they feel targeted for their differences. According to Southern Poverty Law center, these events have only served to compound their feelings of insecurity and anxiety.

3. A Video of a White Woman Being Attacked by a Black Woman

Recent News Stories About Karen Public Freakouts

It has become increasingly common to witness white women lose their minds and shout at people of color in public, typically using hashtags like “Karen” or “Ken.” Videos such as these can garner tens of millions of views online, serving as a release valve for tension, stress and anxiety that has been building since COVID-19 lockdowns last March.

Social-media encounters often serve as a mirror image of more serious issues, such as racial identity, economic disenfranchisement and even mental health concerns. That’s why it was so disturbing when a White woman from Millburn, New Jersey, was seen going crazy inside Victoria’s Secret, attacking an African-American woman while shopping for underwear.

This video, which has since gone viral and been viewed nearly one million times, shows Ijeoma Ukenta – a Black woman shopping at Victoria’s Secret – being assaulted by what appears to be a White “Karen” inside the store in Millburn, New Jersey.

At the start of the incident, Ukenta began recording the store – in violation of store policy. Police report that a woman in the video became upset at being recorded and shouted at Ukenta to stop filming before running into the store to chase her around.

Police reported to Millburn police that when officers arrived at the store, the woman had experienced a panic attack and was fearing for her job due to what might go viral. According to police reports, she told officers her fear was that video would go viral and she might lose it due to it.

Furthermore, she declared a mental health crisis and asked for assistance. Additionally, Ijeoma claimed her mother had recently passed away, yet she had no knowledge of this development – leaving her without an explanation as to why she acted this way.

Some have labeled the Karen phenomenon a sexist scapegoat, yet others maintain that its name does help people understand their behaviors born of entitlement and rage. Although some argue for showing these types of public displays, others note how many Karen videos neglect to acknowledge how Black people are often policed by white women and men alike.

4. A Video of a White Woman Being Attacked by a Black Woman

According to First Coast News, video of a White woman being assaulted by a Black woman in New York City has gone viral, leaving many worried for the safety of those involved. The attack occurred after the White woman shouted racial slurs at the Black woman before she responded with punching back.

Over the past year, an increasing number of videos have surfaced online that showcase “Kenny public freakouts”. These clips often depict white women becoming hysterical when confronted by people of color. These incidents illustrate the growing frustrations felt across America due to the ongoing pandemic and other socioeconomic stressesors.

Some social commentators contend that these racially charged incidents are necessary to awaken White Americans to the realities experienced by people of color on a daily basis. Furthermore, they give all races an opportunity to witness firsthand how racism and white privilege can manifest themselves in public settings.

Denise Dudley, an author and workplace consultant based in San Luis Obispo, Calif., emphasizes that these incidents aren’t necessarily intended to harm White women but instead serve as a platform for people of color to stand up against White oppression and discrimination.

Dudley noted that these incidents can be indicative of mental health problems. “In our society, we’re taught to keep our emotions under wraps and try not to get angry. This explains why so many white women become highly emotional and hysterical when attacked by someone of color,” she explained.

Sexism that comes with public shaming can be difficult to overcome, yet it’s an inherent part of how we view race and how we relate to people of color. It serves as a platform for people of all backgrounds to express their anger and frustration.

No matter the cause, it’s essential to acknowledge that these types of situations have serious repercussions. They can leave people of all races with bruises and injuries as well as legal problems. Therefore, being aware of your surroundings – particularly as a White woman – is especially critical.

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