Entitled Karens – Encouraging Change and Reflection Through Storytelling

Karma for Karens
By Karma for Karens
9 Min Read

“Karen” has become an umbrella term to refer to middle-aged white women who act out in public by throwing fits or demanding to speak to managers or calling police officers. Videos featuring such episodes have gone viral online.

There have also been variations on this theme such as Coronavirus Karen, Parking Lot Karen, and Coughing Karen. Business comparison company Bionic conducted a study to assess which countries and states boasted the most Karens.

What is a Past Entitled Karen?

Karen has captured our collective attention online, capturing our collective attention with its comedic depictions of self-important white women acting like entitled brats. Unfortunately, its message has become all too real over time as videos featuring real Karens have surfaced online prompting outrage and condemnation from users worldwide.

One redditor, u/Whatchootalkinbout, recently posted to r/entitledparents about an extremely self-important person named Karen who disrupted a wedding by interrupting it to have people sing happy birthday to her son (38 years old) instead. According to this OP, confronting Karen publicly is best way to make her see sense.

Since then, “Karens” have been seen across the country blocking intersections, shouting abusive comments at customers and taking parking spots reserved for disabled patrons.

The Storytelling Process

A skilled storyteller understands the art of storytelling is an iterative process of crafting narratives and counternarratives, including proposing an idea, researching it further, writing the script draft, gathering media for editing your work and editing as required. Once complete it is time to share and get feedback; this critical stage allows you to assess whether or not your tale works and identify areas for improvement.

While telling a community story may serve many purposes, it is crucial to keep in mind that storytelling should create a sense of belonging, support and inspiration within all members of the community – something which introverted individuals often feel excluded from.

Listening and remaining silent are vital skills in our world where everyone strives to be heard, helping all of us become more effective people. Listening enables us to understand others more deeply even if they disagree with us; listening can also give us insights into both our own values and beliefs as well as those around us.

Past Entitled Karens have long been notorious for their entitled attitude and tendency to claim victimhood falsely. Furthermore, these mothers are well known for using lawnmower parenting – actively dismantling any barriers or challenges which might hamper their children’s success or wellbeing.

Unfortunately, many school systems empower Karens by teaching both her students and parents that “the louder you squeal, the quicker the action taken.” When Karens complain, teachers spend more time addressing them than on their work. Administrators sometimes encourage this behavior by believing their demands will have positive results on student performance.

However, not all stories end happily. A Reddit user recently shared the tale of Karen who finally received what he deserved after acting like an arrogant brat – whether through karma or storytelling alone! They wrote how satisfying it felt watching him finally get what was coming to him!

The Storyteller’s Role

Storytellers can create an atmosphere of shared meaning-making by leading an audience through personal experiences as well as those of others – including cultural references – as they guide them. Metacognition may also be added by asking pertinent questions that reframe participants’ perspectives in more meaningful ways; but, they must take care not to overtake this story space with organizational viewpoints that might disrupt its natural sense of cohesion and trust that has already been built within an audience.

Storytelling has long been employed as a tool for social change and personal and professional growth. It unites individuals to discuss the issues that most concern them and work towards finding solutions; while also providing key moments that allow listeners to view their situation from new angles; often encouraging an uplifting sense of discovery in them.

Recently, The Village Church leader Karen was disciplined for seeking an annulment of her marriage with Jordan. They saw this decision to divorce as disobedience to their rules regarding sex and children; consequently she felt isolated both within her marriage and with church leaders who threatened excommunicate if she did not repent of such actions.

Initial efforts from church pastors showed some concern for her emotional wellbeing; however, this wasn’t enough to satisfy either her former partner or church hierarchy. After an outcry from members, the church eventually modified its position and provided her with an alternative pathway forward that better fit with her needs.

Tragically, there are countless similar accounts out there. Unfortunately, Karen has become synonymous with needy and overbearing women who feel entitled. Redditor u/Whatchootalkinbout compiled a list of Reddit’s worst Karens with names such as Central Park Cathy,” parking lot Karen,” and coughing Karen.” However, not all Karens share equal entitlement levels.

The Message

If you run a business, chances are you have come across “Karens.” They leave one-star reviews on your Facebook page and threaten to take their business elsewhere, often leaving unfavorable one-star reviews that threaten them with leaving altogether. Unfortunately, Karen has become synonymous with an entitled, obnoxious woman who complains about everything – both her patrons and those trying to resolve these complaints have been negatively impacted by these stereotypes. According to Dani Weller of Bionic’s customer service manager Dani Weller advises the best approach is staying calm by listening attentively before engaging emotionally as this only escalates matters further.

Over the past years, numerous headlines have featured Karens: from “Central Park Karen,” who called police on a black man for walking his dog in the park; to “Sorority Karen,” who made racist comments towards college students. Karen is often used as an epithet for people who exploit minorities using privilege and misogyny is often implied in its use.

No wonder many millennials and Gen Zers have taken to using Karen as an attack against baby boomer attitudes on gender, race and youth culture. Although Karen can be an effective tool in combatting racism and entitlement issues, its use may bring downsides that should not be underestimated.

As the coronavirus pandemic began, some members of the black community on social media have used it to criticize white women who oppose social distancing whether out of ignorance or selfish interests. This new interpretation has generated heated discussions regarding whether using “Karen” in this way is acceptable.

At its core, Karen was first used as slang to refer to a specific type of person. While its usage can often broaden into generalities about people in general, remembering that Karens typically exhibit similar behaviors such as entitlement, misogyny and ageism makes its usage necessary in encouraging change and reflection and not dismiss entire groups of people outright.

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