Editorials on the Rise of Karen Public Freakouts

Karma for Karens
By Karma for Karens
10 Min Read

Editorials on the Rise of Karen Public Freakouts

The recent Karen public outrage has sparked a wave of editorials in response to racist acts that have become increasingly commonplace. From calling police on Black people to refusing to wear face masks in stores, these women are using their white privilege to harm others.

What Is a “Karen”?

Karen” has become an online insult that’s particularly targeting middle-aged white women who repeatedly demand to speak to managers. According to Know Your Meme, a site which helps people comprehend digital culture, this trend began in 2018 on social media platforms.

But the term has also been employed to denigrate those who commit racist acts, particularly white women who call police on Black people.

Chris Cukor was recently caught on TikTok threatening to buzz a black man’s number when he wasn’t present. This video went viral for its disturbing content. It’s understandable why some have found this name offensive.

Some may view the term as misogynistic, yet others point out that it’s simply a way for people to express their anger about unfair situations. Particularly in today’s climate, it provides an opportunity to discuss racism and inequality.

In some cases, people use their privilege and victimhood as weapons against others. For instance, Carolyn Bryant falsely accused Emmett Till of being offended in order to have him lynched, leading directly to his murder. Alternatively, white women may feel powerful by asserting they have more rights than other people.

The term “Karen” has been around for some time, and there are various theories as to its origins. Some speculate that it started on Black Twitter where White women would criticize Black kids’ lemonade stands.

At present, it’s mostly being applied to middle-aged white women who ask to speak with the manager. But this doesn’t make it a sexist term nor does it suggest that all such behavior is wrong.

Karens come from all backgrounds, but are most common among white women. They enjoy being visible and tend to become quite upset if their wishes don’t get fulfilled.

What Is a “Karen” Meme?

Over the last few weeks, “Karen” has become increasingly popular as a meme term on social media platforms like “Karens Going Wild.” But what exactly is a “Karen”?

In conclusion, a “Karen” is an upper middle class white woman who displays behaviors indicative of privilege. These include demanding to speak to the manager, belittling service industry workers and engaging in racist microaggressions such as asking to touch black people’s hair.

These incidents are frequently recorded and broadcast to millions of people on social media, making “Karen” an online sensation that’s become a cultural obsession. But while watching “Karen” incidents may be entertaining, there are also serious concerns about how these individuals use their power in potentially hazardous ways.

Some have even labeled the term a misogynistic slur, since it stigmatises women based on their gender. This labeling is understandable given that misogynistic slurs often serve to degrade and stereotype women based on their identity.

Karens do behave in problematic ways, but this is an oversimplification. While Karens are mostly privileged women who are being unfairly treated, it remains true that their behaviors should not be read as an absolute truth.

As we’ve seen with George Floyd, it is not unusual for white women to face mistreatment and harassment in public spaces even when they don’t wear masks. A 2018 study from Amnesty International revealed that every 30 seconds a woman receives an abuse message on Twitter.

Recent research from UC Berkeley has revealed that women experience more violence and harassment in public spaces than men do. Furthermore, people of color tend to be targeted more frequently than white men.

Since the H1N1 virus outbreak, the term “Karen” has gained momentum. It’s been associated with various incidents like anti-mask “Karens” who shout at service industry employees and oppose vaccination. Furthermore, videos have surfaced showing white women racially targeting people of colour under the banner of “Karen”.

What Is a “Karen” for?

Karen” is a self-righteous and often racist middle aged woman who demands attention and asserts her rights. She often causes trouble in public by threatening to call the police on people who don’t look like her.

Originating as a joke, the term has since come to be associated with problematic women in social media culture. It serves as a reminder that women tend to be judged more harshly than men in almost every area of life.

The popularity of Karen can be attributed to a variety of reasons, though linguistic experts are uncertain where it originated or what it means. According to Know Your Meme, Karen may have originated as an allusion to either Dane Cook’s 2005 skit “Goodfellas.”

Some linguists believe the name originated with Dane Cook’s popular comedy routine about being ridiculed for having an annoying friend. On the other hand, some experts speculate that black women may have adopted this trait of telling tales at lemonade stands, thus giving rise to this unique moniker.

But the term can also be linked to a sexist and classist appropriation of an age-old popular name that had been in use for centuries. Much like how “Dick” used to be used as a common descriptor for someone who behaved badly; now it is often used as code word for an arrogant jerk.

In September, British feminist commentator Julie Bindel asserted that the Karen slur was motivated by class prejudice. She likened it to using terms “Sharon” and “Tracy” in Britain in the 1980s for dismissing younger, working-class women.

It’s essential to note that this isn’t the first time a woman’s name has been appropriated in an anti-feminine context. In the early 1900s, people used names like “Dick” or “Kyle” to refer to people they perceived as arrogant or conniving.

In the past, people used the name “Kyle” more often to mock and ridicule a female version of themselves than they do now. However, this term wasn’t as popular or widely used then as it is today, and there are plenty of eminently sexist names that don’t garner as much attention.

What Is a “Karen” to Me?

Karen” is a term used to refer to an entitled and often racist middle-class white woman with an unreasonable and sometimes racist attitude. These individuals often make overbearing demands of retail or service employees — such as blocking open car spaces or asking managers if they can help when needed. These tactics, which have been documented on YouTube videos, serve as reminders that women still make up the majority of workforces worldwide; however, that should not make them any less respected than men.

The internet is full of videos and stories of “Karen” doing both the right thing and the wrong thing, yet she remains an elusive entity that’s difficult to define. Recently, her followers have taken to calling people out for their less-than-funny behaviors – including some that could put lives in jeopardy and increase racial tensions.

My opinion on a “Karen” is that it should not be associated with sex or race discrimination, however that doesn’t mean everyone who exhibits such behavior deserves to be labeled a “Karen” or even given an outlet to discuss their feelings in public. As with any controversy related to sexual or race relations, there will always be those who oppose or support this particular use of the term; however, my position does not change this fact.

Karen” has always served as a powerful reminder of the old adage: “At the end of the day, remember that we are all equal.” This lesson I have gleaned from my parents and grandparents; but it is one which we should also instill in our children and their friends.

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