Latest Most Entitled Karens News
Customer Service Tips To Keep The Karens Away
Karens can be a real nuisance to deal with. They throw tantrums…
How to Handle Karen Customers
No one ever knows when or if they will come knocking on…
Business Strategies for Dealing With Karens and Kevins
Anyone who's ever dealt with Karen or Kevin will understand how frustrating…
A Minnesota Karen Calls 911 on a Black HVAC Technician
In a viral TikTok video, Alonzo Harmon stands outside the woman’s garage…
The Next Karen Who Makes a Racist 911 Call Might Get Arrested
One California city is getting fed up with so-called “Karens” who make…
Why Are Karens of the World So Entitled?
The term "Karen" has become the go-to label for middle-aged white women…