The Internet has been filled with videos of privileged white women, known as Karens, being exposed for harassing and policing people of color. They have been seen scolding, spitting at, and even pointing guns at Black people.
Karens often believe they are right and those who disagree or impede their path are bad people. This has resulted in an increasing social-media phenomenon; it’s essential to comprehend how sexism and racism manifest themselves in real life.
The Public Opinion of Protests Against Entitled Karens
A social media trend has recently gained steam: privileged white women being called out for being rude, racist or entitled. The hashtag #EntitledKarens has become a popular expression to describe those white women who act like petty trolls when caught on camera.
These videos of angry, dramatic and sobbing white women spitting at, cursing and even pointing guns at peaceful protesters have been spreading like wildfire on Twitter and Instagram. In one recent case, a St. Louis personal-injury lawyer couple were dubbed “Ken and Karen” after they pointed a gun at an unsuspecting demonstrator.
Experts believe there are several factors contributing to this type of social media reaction. Primarily, it’s a racial issue.
Karen is a derogatory term often used to refer to middle-aged white women with an entitlement complex. They usually wear asymmetrical bob hairstyles and insist on speaking to someone at the management level.
However, the term has also become a general label for any arrogant white woman who behaves badly and gets called out on social media. Furthermore, it has come to be associated with numerous other issues as well.
In the past, this term has been applied to anti-vaxxer women who make multiple racially charged police complaints. It also decries people who refuse to wear face coverings in shops in order to protect themselves from pandemic coronavirus Covid-19, which has disproportionately affected black and ethnic minority populations compared to other groups.
As such, there have been some engaging discussions on social media about the appropriateness of using this term. Some have argued that its usage stems from misogyny with real-life Karens being particularly targeted for criticism.
Some believe the use of this name is a response to real-world racism and oppression. For instance, author Karen Attiah wrote an opinion article for The Washington Post in which she argues that it’s a humorous attempt to find humor within actual racism and oppression.
In the spring of 2020, social-media videos emerged featuring white people claiming they were Karens. What started off as a joke quickly turned scathingly pointed as social policing around Covid-19 intensified. According to Aram Sinnreich, associate professor of communication at American University in Washington, D.C., “Karen” became shorthand for resentment and class tensions fueling this type of behavior.
In many ways, the pandemic and its accompanying racial tensions exposed a different kind of public anger in the US than it had experienced prior decades. A new set of economic and social divisions had arisen due to globalization, technological advancements, and an administration which often labels its white middle-class base as “the forgotten people,” who have been left behind.
Denise Dudley, an author and workplace consultant from San Luis Obispo, California, says the pandemic compounded this resentment by forcing many to face their own fears about health and finances. Additionally, it exposed new forms of racism and sexism which had never before been exposed.
Karens contends that the white middle class entitlement which inspired these videos still shapes public opinion of Karens. But, she adds, this type of resentment is often overblown and exaggerated.
She noted a major distinction: the “Karen” who racial-profiled and called the cops on her Black neighbors was present during the exchange. She recorded it and posted it online for all to see.
However, many of the viral Karens who racially profile people of color and call 911 aren’t acting in an emergency. They’re busybodies who have issues with similar people but express them differently; trying to simplify their lives by asking people of color for explanations.
Furthermore, they seek to capitalize on the sexism and discrimination already present in America — what it means to be a “Karen.”
As Black Lives Matter and police brutality reached new heights, Karen was transformed from a light-hearted joke about entitled white women into an emblematic symbol of white supremacy and symbol for the intense racial discourse taking place in this country today.
If you spend any time on social media, then you’ve likely come across videos of entitled Karens getting upset. They usually lash out in public places when someone else doesn’t adhere to their rules.
Sometimes they use racist or abusive language and get into heated exchanges with people on the street – or, unfortunately, on camera. But it’s essential to remember that these are just people having a bad day.
These videos not only provide laughter, but they’re also an opportunity to draw attention to racism and inequality that still exist in America. Furthermore, they give young people a platform to vent their own frustrations.
These videos also illustrate an ongoing trend that has been in the spotlight over the last year or so: in America, a group of “entitled” white women have emerged online as an online activist movement.
These women are taking advantage of their privilege to confront systemic racism and classism head on, with some cases leading to police intervention.
However, these activists may not always be justified in their actions and often display signs of stress, mental health problems or alcohol abuse.
The term “Karen” is an insulting slang term for a middle-aged white woman who complains incessantly and displays entitled behavior. It has become popular online fun, but its misogynistic undertones have been highlighted by feminist commentators.
Though there have been various theories as to its origins, it’s believed that it originated with Dane Cook’s 2005 comedy special ‘Karen’. While the term has been used since then to refer to women, its popularity has grown substantially online over the past several years.
Some criticize the term “Karen” as an offensive slur directed at white women who assert their rights and use their privilege for personal gain. This has led some feminists to label it a ‘white sexist slur’.
Public opinion has been divided on the protests of those labeled as “Karens.” While many social media users have been shocked by these events, others are more critical. They see these resentments as evidence that America is facing both an economic and social crisis.
Karens have an arrogant attitude and believe they can get away with anything. They feel entitled and unchecked in their behavior, yet become highly frustrated when things don’t go their way.
These individuals enjoy manipulating those around them. They lie, exaggerate, and attempt to shape everyone’s opinion in their favor.
They dislike criticism and will take advantage of any opportunity to make themselves look bad.
Unfortunately, this only serves to exacerbate the problem. People become afraid of criticism which in turn causes them to do even more wrong.
Furthermore, toxic individuals will abuse substances like drugs and alcohol, leading to violence or extreme depression in those affected.
These individuals tend to be extremely controlling, as they feel no one else has any right to direct their lives or actions. This comes from having been taught that society allows them to do whatever they please – regardless of consequences.
Governments and the media have fostered a toxic culture. It’s totalitarian in nature and promotes all manner of destructive ideas.
Popular examples include population control, climate change, gun control and the Teen Brain – all factors which lead to a police state.
If you are suffering from these types of issues, then it’s essential to develop coping skills to help manage them. The most effective way to do so is by speaking to a counselor or therapist.
Mental illness can make it particularly challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it is necessary for overall well-being. With the right support system in place, taking care of one’s mental health will not only benefit them physically but also emotionally. It may not always be easy when facing these challenges but if you are sick then taking care of yourself is paramount.