Entitled Karens have often experienced public humiliation and ridicule due to their entitled rants being shared on social media platforms. One notable case involved Ketchup Karen who slammed her burger onto the counter because it had too much ketchup on it.
These entitled Karens are often stereotyped with short blonde haircuts, sunglasses, and an arrogant attitude. Furthermore, they have been known to engage in hate speech and physical violence.
Entitled Karens
Social media users have likely encountered Karens at some point. These middle-aged white women are notorious for being rude, expecting special treatment they don’t deserve and having public tantrums over minor inconveniences.
Due to their entitled rants being broadcast on social media, entitled Karens have experienced public humiliation and ridicule in numerous forms. Indeed, this year has seen an unprecedented spike in video content featuring entitled Karens in public places.
These videos often showcase white women who have called the police on people of color, threatened others and behaved in ways that are not acceptable in society. These videos often make headlines and are shared online.
People often comment on how awful it is that these entitled Karens have to endure such humiliation in public. This sentiment is especially prevalent when someone of color has been involved in the incident.
Recently, Amy Cooper (known as “Central Park Karen”) made headlines when she called the police on a Black man for asking her to leash her dog. It was an astonishing instance in which this white woman used her privilege to endanger the life of someone of color.
Despite being captured on camera, she continues to be treated like a joke by many. This has resulted in an outpouring of ridicule and anger directed at her, making the experience much worse than it should have been.
Although this term is a slang expression used to refer to middle-aged white women who act entitled and behave in ways that are not acceptable, it has gained popularity over the last few years. It shares many similarities with Barbecue Becky and Golfcart Gail – two popular nicknames for white women caught up in public misbehavior. These women tend to frequent public places and will go to great lengths to garner attention and exercise their privilege.
Entitled Teachers
Many entitled teachers have suffered public humiliation and ridicule as a result of their entitled rants being broadcast on social media. They have been made to feel like they are unworthy of their job due to the way they communicate with students or the activities conducted in the classroom.
Furthermore, many teachers experience disrespect from students who do not appreciate the significance of their profession or have an anti-teacher attitude. This misunderstanding contributes to why so many educators become the target of verbal abuse and verbal threats from students.
The issue with such behavior is that it damages a student’s self-image and sense of belonging in their school. Therefore, teachers must be aware of ways they can safeguard their students from such actions.
Teachers must be mindful that they have the freedom to express their opinions; however, they should not disrupt other people’s work or cause issues in their classes.
It is essential for them to know that they should not post anything on social media that could be perceived as offensive or in poor taste. Doing so could violate their privacy rights and infringe upon their First Amendment right to freedom of speech.
Particularly young teachers who have not been exposed to media or online culture may struggle with not knowing what to do when confronted with something inappropriate or offensive. This can lead to misguided judgment and inaction when faced with such matters.
When posting to social media, teachers should take into account all important considerations. That is why having control over what type of posts they want shared publicly and private on the platform is so essential.
In addition to these essential considerations, educators must remember not to post any pictures or videos of their personal lives on social media accounts. Doing so could constitute a violation of privacy and may lead to them being sued for harassment.
Entitled Students
Many students, particularly those considered entitled, have endured public humiliation and ridicule due to their entitled rants being broadcast on social media platforms. Not only has this had a psychological effect on them but it can also negatively affect their academics and careers in the long run.
In the past, public humiliation was often conducted in a highly visible and central place such as a town square or courthouse. Nowadays, however, these forms of shaming can take place online on sites like Twitter or Tumblr.
As Jon Ronson notes in his book So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, there are several key questions to ask about this new form of shame. Particularly, we should inquire into the effect that increased protectiveness has on students themselves.
One major drawback of this type of shaming is that it may encourage students to act in ways they might otherwise refrain from. They may become overly critical, demand attention, disrupt instruction or even cause physical harm.
Another major issue with public shaming is its potential detrimental effect on students’ relationships with their teachers. This could leave students feeling resentful and disconnected from learning activities.
Students who are most vulnerable to public humiliation tend to be those that value school and how others perceive them. If they have experienced a significant amount of humiliation in their lives, these students may develop low self-esteem or even experience anxiety or depression as a result.
These students are particularly vulnerable to bullying from teachers and other students, which can have detrimental effects. They may lose their self-worth, develop mental health issues, and not meet their academic targets.
As an educator, I’ve witnessed many instances of public humiliation, both real and perceived. Teachers mock students and others with sarcasm, overcritical or punitive language, and facial expressions that convey non-acceptance for their actions. Such behaviors can create a model of behavior which will then be emulated by other children in the class.
Entitled Parents
Parents have often faced public humiliation and ridicule when their entitled rants were broadcast on social media platforms. It’s easy to imagine a parent logging into their child’s Facebook account to express how disrespectful they feel towards the world.
Entitled behavior often stems from the notion that material things will make one feel better, such as being important, accomplished, respected or validated. Unfortunately, these rewards don’t always produce these desired effects and in some cases may actually exacerbate them.
Gratitude is often lacking among entitled individuals. According to psychologists, practicing gratitude has a powerful impact on mental health and relationships with others. When someone has an entitlement mentality, they fail to appreciate how their actions benefit others.
Therefore, they may experience a constant state of disappointment when their wishes aren’t fulfilled. This may lead to feelings of low self-worth and insecurity.
The problem with this mentality is that it can negatively impact a child’s capacity to cope with hardship and challenge. It may even lead them to turn towards drugs or alcohol as an escape from the difficulties they encounter.
As a parent, it’s essential to teach your children responsibility and how to respond appropriately when praised or punished for their behavior. Furthermore, you need to recognize when they are acting from an entitled mindset and give them the resources they need in order to succeed.