One Instagram picture, one Facebook post, one poor judgment call or even an accusation can be enough to destroy a reputation.
It’s an all too common occurrence in modern society. A bad reputation can have a detrimental effect on someone’s career prospects and success.
Entitled Karens have suffered a loss of reputation and social standing due to their entitled rants being broadcast on social media.
The internet has enabled an online phenomenon known as “Karen,” in which white women are labeled the worst people on earth for being aggressively petty and obnoxious. Many of them resort to hate speech or violence against others, which is usually captured on video most of the time.
These entitled Karens have had their opinions broadcast on social media, leading to a loss of reputation and social standing for those perceived as such. The loss is due to them being labeled obnoxious and racist for their actions.
Karens, also referred to as middle-aged white women who wield privilege to get what they wanted or police the behaviors of others. Typically they had short blonde hair and worn sunglasses; plus they always demanded to speak to a manager when given an opportunity.
Their behavior can often cause embarrassment and anger for those who witness it. They may block people from parking spaces so their friends can park there, or yell at retail workers about refund policies.
Therefore, they are being denigrated on social media as they continue to post these videos. This could result in the loss of reputation and social standing for both entitled Karens, as well as those they are publicly shaming via social media.
One major cause for their loss of reputation is class hatred. Entitled Karens are being attacked on social media for their discrimination, and as long as they can use their privilege to obtain what they desire, this attitude will continue.
Particularly among the entitled Karens in their late thirties and early forties, their actions reflect the class system they have inherited.
In addition to their racial prejudices, entitled Karens are notorious for making false accusations against people of color. If this occurs, serious consequences such as being sent to jail or losing their jobs could ensue.
The entitled Karens are a major issue in our society and have caused great harm to others. By making false accusations and engaging in racist behaviors, they put at risk the lives of many people of color by jeopardizing their safety by risking jail or even death due to their sexy, obnoxious actions.
Therefore, it is imperative that we take steps to safeguard our community from these entitled Karens. That is why we must support legislation like California’s “Hate Crimes and Discrimination 911 Calls” ordinance which was recently passed, in order to prevent discriminatory acts from taking place within our borders.
The “Hate Crimes and Discrimination” ordinance will help to deter entitled Karens from engaging in discriminatory behaviors within our community, encouraging them to think twice before acting. By passing this bill, we are guaranteeing that we can safeguard our community from those who have been abusing their privilege for years now.