Though it may be tempting to avoid dealing with angry customers, ignoring them will only push them further into your competitors’ hands. Luckily, there are ways you can convert disgruntled clients into satisfied ones.
Do not resort to negative language that will only further escalate their irritation; rather, focus on empowering them by validating their feelings and encouraging them to work toward a solution together.
1. Be Patient
Customer service workers may find their roles stressful. From fielding multiple inquiries to understanding complex products or services, there is much that goes into providing excellent service – however it’s also important to remember that not every customer will be happy regardless of your best efforts to keep them happy; thus it is vital to have a plan in place for handling unhappy customers so they don’t leave your business feeling like their visit was wasted time.
One effective strategy for this is practicing patience. While it can be easy to get rattled when dealing with angry customers, remembering their dissatisfaction does not reflect upon you personally will help ensure productive discussions occur. Instead, take deep breaths or focus on positive emotions during interactions so as to remain calm.
Patiently listening and asking your customers for clarity are two other effective strategies for practicing patience. Too often customers will call and request refunds or resolution of problems without providing all the details needed for an efficient resolution; to avoid this scenario take the time to carefully listen and question as needed to fully comprehend each customer’s issue before moving forward with solutions.
Assume that some issues require additional time for resolution than anticipated, which may frustrate customers but be sure to communicate this and let them know you are working towards finding a solution. Check in regularly with them so they don’t feel forgotten or abandoned by your company.
At the outset of any interaction, be sure to set clear expectations with your customers. This will give them a better sense of what to expect, and can prevent disappointment should their request not be fulfilled immediately.
2. Keep Your Cool
Customer service representatives represent their brand in front of customers, so if a customer starts cursing and shouting, it can be tempting to respond in kind – but this only adds fuel to the fire and undermines trust between you and them.
If you find yourself dealing with an angry Karen, try taking a step back and viewing things from their perspective. This will allow you to keep calm by understanding that their anger isn’t directed at you directly but at society as a whole; doing this will give you empathy while making solutions more likely within their realm of reality.
Customers in distress typically feel powerless to control what’s happening to them and this contributes to their agitation. You should recognize this stress level among customers and be willing to go above and beyond in your efforts to calm them.
One effective approach to doing this is using humor to lighten the atmosphere. This approach is especially beneficial if working with younger customers; for example, saying something like, “That must be so frustrating! I know exactly how you feel!” can make them laugh out loud!
Once an issue is resolved, take some time for yourself to unwind and recharge – this will enable you to be better equipped when dealing with angry customers in the future.
Attentive customers appreciate knowing you are actively working on solving their issue; that way if there is any delay they won’t interpret it as due to your lack of care about their issue; instead they will know you are actively trying to find a resolution and will soon have something concrete for them. This can give them peace of mind and encourage patience during this wait for their issue to be addressed.
3. Remain Calm
No one who works in customer service will escape encountering Karen at some point in their careers. For those unfamiliar with this term, Karen refers to customers who act in an arrogant, disrespectful, and angry way towards your company and its staff members; oftentimes their anger is directed toward you because she believes you were responsible for her bad experience. Handling such customers requires patience and understanding in order to turn them around successfully.
Avoid making these common errors when dealing with angry customers:
1. Ignoring Customer Complaints: Customers should feel empowered to reach out and express any discontent with their company, so it’s crucial that a method for doing so exists – and to record every single one as soon as it arrives.
2. Arguing With Customers: Confrontation can quickly escalate the situation. Instead of taking their outrage personally, it’s essential to remember they may not be upset with you personally; rather they may be dissatisfied with the product or service received.
3. Employing Aggressive Language: While it might be tempting to reply with harsh words, this approach only makes matters worse. Customers want someone who understands and sympathizes with their situation – this is why it is crucial that calm, soothing phrases are used rather than aggressive ones.
4. Breaking Promises: Finally, it is crucial that we recognize that customers depend on us. If we promise them something – for instance calling back on a certain day or time – it’s crucial that we uphold our word; otherwise it could create distrust between ourselves and them.
If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed during an exchange with an angry customer, take a short break and take some deep breaths before returning to the conversation with a calm mind. By doing this, your emotions won’t spiral out of control as easily and you can resume speaking about business more productively afterwards.
4. Ask for Help
An angry customer can be difficult to manage, making it challenging to manage their emotions. However, it is essential to remember that even the most difficult customer can be turned around by making sure they feel heard and understood; taking time out to validate their feelings and explain how their situation could have been better may help calm them down and become more reasonable.
Anxious customers can make it challenging to maintain customer service standards, but it’s essential that we remember they may not necessarily be attacking us directly – often their circumstances are the source of their anger; perhaps they experienced recent loss, an incident in their family or have experienced heartbreak due to failed relationships, which has caused them to feel helpless and frustrated with us as an organization.
In these instances, it’s wise to step back and request help. Many frustrated customers turn to supervisors in hopes they’ll receive better assistance; in such instances, it is imperative that you seek assistance from either your manager or coworker instead.
Customers will feel appreciated, and this approach may prevent their call from turning hostile.
If a customer continues to escalate the situation, it is wise to follow your company’s policies and end the call if he/she begins making threats, using profanity or insulting you or other team members.
As challenging as it can be to deal with Karen, it’s essential to remember that every unhappy customer can be turned around. By showing that you care about them and are committed to giving an exceptional experience, even the most stubborn of customers can be won over with some empathy and compassion. Being a former customer service manager myself, I know this firsthand!