If you are female, it is likely that you have encountered at least one male who has an entitlement complex, whether through subtle narcissistic behavior or more serious forms of abuse.

Men who exhibit an excessive sense of entitlement can be an absolute disaster for a relationship, posing physical, emotional and sexual abuse risks.


Entitlement is a way of thinking which can cause men to believe they are entitled to something no matter the circumstance, leading them to abusive actions in their relationships.

Unwanted men frequently lack compassion and do not consider the feelings or needs of their partner as being just as valid as their own. When confronted, these men usually minimize, justify, or distract away from any abusive behaviors in an effort to escape responsibility for it.

This type of mindset prevents them from seeing themselves as victims of their actions and rejects the idea that their choices influence how others respond. They do not believe they have control over changing their own behavior or feeling entitled to what they do, leading them to stay stuck in patterns they find irredeemable.

Karen is a derogatory term that describes middle-class white women who display behaviors stemming from privilege. These can include demanding to speak to managers or higher authorities directly, opposing vaccination and policeing non-white people’s behaviors.

It has become an internet meme, though many argue it is both sexist and ageist. Julie Bindel, an activist writer and feminist said:

Where this phrase came from remains unclear, but its usage has increased over the years. Initially it was used to disparage white women perceived to be acting entitled in public – such as Amy Cooper who was seen walking her dog through Central Park while offering out her hand for photo opps with George Floyd who was killed by police in Minneapolis the same day.

As this slur gained momentum online, it was met by instances of real-life Karens being caught on camera behaving inappropriately – including one woman yelling at an employee for not wearing a mask and another who complained about having to cover her face in public places despite both store policies and health experts recommending that she do so.

These behaviors stem from social structures built around racism and power dynamics, including calling the police on black neighbors, threatening them with violence and recruiting law enforcement to defend property from protestors. Such practices reflect how racist ideologies influence power dynamics within societies.


Entitlement refers to the belief that one has an inherent right or entitlement to certain items or experiences, especially within relationships where men and women occupy different roles or levels of power.

Entitlement can be a dangerous trap for men in relationships, leading to behaviors that damage women such as anger, resentment, withdrawal and needing rescue from one’s partners.

Example: if a man is involved with a woman who has previously been abusive towards them, he may use her abuse and violence as justification for his own abusive and violent actions against her. This behavior stems from male privilege and how our society reinforces it.

One way for men to justify an experience or outcome in their relationships is the concept of efficiency. Here, men may use arguments like they possess superior expertise or that their way will provide more efficient means for accomplishing what they seek.

However, when applied to sexual or physical relationships, efficiency can be very dangerous and lead to abuse and violence as previously noted. When men use this argument against their partners, it could create the sense that they have no power over their situation and that he will do anything possible to achieve what he desires for themselves.

As a woman, you can fight male entitlement by participating in activities and conversations that foster gender neutral environments and work to change this type of behavior in your own relationships.

Step one of combatting male privilege is becoming aware of your actions that reinforce or defend it, such as reinforcing assumptions or justifying them. Take time out to contemplate and assess your reactions and responses towards male privilege.

Women and girls, in particular, can be especially susceptible to male privilege and sexism in our culture. By actively engaging in activities or conversations that challenge this form of privilege, you can begin making a positive change both locally and globally.


Entitlement refers to the belief that something belongs to us or is due us from others, which pervades society and may lead to negative consequences.

Male Kennys can often seem entitled in their relationships with partners, possibly out of an attempt to maintain control or make themselves feel more secure. They will use their partners to impose their needs or wants – whether physical, emotional, or sexual.

Control is also used to manipulate, intimidate and punish those who refuse to conform with them – this may include verbal abuse, physical assault or sexual violence.

If a man finds themselves in an abusive relationship and they need assistance, it is crucial that they seek help from an organization specializing in men’s issues. Such agencies will be able to assess the level of controlling behaviour while developing a support plan which they can follow.

The centre will maintain contact with their partner to make sure that they do not continue being abusive, while also addressing their entitlement issue. This can be particularly effective if one partner is vulnerable, as this means reducing their exposure to potentially more dangerous behaviour in the future.

An essential point when dealing with an entitled partner is that they tend to say things that are untrue in order to protect themselves or protect their feelings, often justifying their behavior by saying they love their partner.

Many times they will lead their partners to believe they are being violent or controlling because they are “in love”, making it very easy for them to get away with such behaviors.

Many ways exist through which one can demonstrate their affections towards their partner; not necessarily in abusive forms but by showing kindness, sharing resources or meeting their partner’s needs.


James McKinley Johnston, popularly known as Kenny Boy, was raised in Halifax County, North Carolina. His hobbies and pursuits included taking photographs and repairing small engines. Additionally, he enjoyed singing as a member of Royal Jubilee Male Chorus and Fidelity Baptist Church Male Chorus choirs. Sadly, Kenny Boy passed away suddenly but will forever live on in our memories.

We’re celebrating his legacy by featuring some of his finest work, such as one of the coolest videos you’ll find anywhere online, in a series of releases over time. So be sure to visit regularly as new content becomes available – plus stay tuned as we announce exciting events you won’t want to miss!

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