Entitlement Memes

Entitlement Memes have been around for some time, but recently they’ve gained popularity. They serve as a derogatory label on middle-aged white women who are quick to anger due to feelings of entitlement and misguided victimhood.

These popular hashtags are used to expose overt racism, such as when women unjustly call the police on Black people. Additionally, they serve to ridicule white privilege and US exceptionalism by ridiculing their concept.

1. Millennials Are Cheering for a Housing Market Crash

A housing market crash, or a drop in home values, can have numerous negative repercussions for different parts of the economy. It may result in financial losses, foreclosures and unemployment as people struggle to pay their mortgages. Furthermore, construction activity may slow down and banks become more cautious about lending money to consumers.

One of the primary causes for a housing market crash is excessive lending. This occurs when an average price tag on a home exceeds its true worth based on underlying property values; this phenomenon, known as a housing bubble, has had disastrous outcomes in the past.

Another possible explanation for a market crash is an increase in interest rates. This forces buyers to pay more on their mortgages, potentially making it more challenging for them to purchase a home.

In 2005-2007, the housing market in America experienced a major collapse. This caused an extensive recession and left many homeowners underwater.

At present, however, the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates and some homeowners are starting to worry about a housing market crash due to factors like interest rates, inflation and unemployment. A housing market crash can be caused by an accumulation of these three components: interest rates, inflation and joblessness.

In addition to causing a housing market crash, these factors can also trigger a recession. That is why it is critical to comprehend the consequences of such an event before it takes place.

For instance, if someone has an adjustable rate mortgage and the interest rate goes up, making payments can become extremely challenging. Furthermore, if they must sell their home due to loss in value, they may owe more than its worth – potentially leading to foreclosure and bankruptcy proceedings.

But if the market crashes, it could present an opportunity for those who have been saving for a home. After years of saving, some may finally be able to purchase their dream house and move in with their family.

2. The Term “Karen” Has Been Around for a While

Recently, you may have come across an Internet trend called “Karen,” an insult for middle-aged women who display excessive entitlement. Karen has become a catchall term for behaviors associated with white privilege–namely being loud and obnoxious.

The term “Karen” has been around for some time, but its usage in popular culture only recently spread, according to Know Your Meme. While its exact origins remain obscure, many speculate that a 2005 Dane Cook joke and characters from Mean Girls and Goodfellas might have inspired its usage.

As Know Your Meme points out, Karen’s use as a pejorative can be traced back to the mid-20th century. It follows in an extensive lineage of names used as archetypal or stereotyped characters – such as Scrooge in A Christmas Carol and Uncle Tom in The Grapes of Wrath.

Although eponyms have often been connected to racial injustices, they are now seen as an act of resistance against discrimination and inequality. As a result, the term’s interpretation and usage continue to evolve.

In some cases, the term has become a way for Black people to challenge and name racist white people and put an end to their actions. Consider Amy Cooper who made headlines last May after video of her calling the police on a Black man in Central Park went viral on social media.

Cooper’s act of calling attention to her behavior earned her national attention and she soon apologized. But it also highlighted a systemic racism that places Black men disproportionately at risk of unprovoked encounters with police.

Since then, the term’s usage has evolved, yet there remains a persistent negative connotation that shapes its meaning. Karen is often associated with an anti-science and anti-working class persona.

3. The ‘Karen’ Meme Is a Response to Discrimination

The name “Karen” has long been associated with the Baby Boomer generation, and many millennials and Gen Zs have been critical of its outdated and discriminatory views. Unfortunately, Karens also symbolize a sense of entitlement which often results in them being labeled ungrateful or rude.

The term “Karen” is often applied to a middle-aged white woman who displays behavior indicative of her privilege and is quick to demand attention or become angry. This could include shouting at the manager, belittling service workers, and engaging in racist microaggressions against people of another race.

Karens have a tendency to commit these behaviors out in public, which has led to numerous incidents associated with racism in recent years, such as the video of a woman calling the police on an African American family in a parking lot and thousands of women refusing to wear masks or quarantine themselves when viruses like Covid-19 spread across America.

This trend is likely the result of both the popularity of the name “Karen” and its associated with a sense of entitlement. In the US, “Karen” peaked as a popular baby name around 1965; therefore, it’s unlikely this coincidence occurred by chance.

Though some have argued that the Karen meme is a response to discrimination, it’s essential to remember that these images have been around for some time. They don’t just describe those who have been abused; they can also be used to describe those responsible for various crimes such as assaults or murder.

As awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic has spread over recent months, Karen sightings have become more frequent. As a result, Karen memes have become increasingly commonplace on social media platforms.

The use of viral monikers is an integral part of social media culture, yet when applied to individuals who have committed overtly racist actions it becomes even more problematic. Why? It provides them with anonymity and belittles their behavior.

4. The ‘Karen’ Meme Is a Response to White Privilege

Over the last decade, there has been a growing trend to label white women who abuse their privilege as ‘Karens.’ These often middle aged and sporting an A-line bob are quick to anger and seek ways to exert control over others.

These women exhibit a sense of entitlement and an urge to control others, often for seemingly reasonable reasons. Yet their actions are far more than innocuous; they pose risks.

Many of these incidents take place in public places, like parks or on buses. Sometimes these women are caught on video and their actions become internet sensations.

Apryl Williams, a faculty associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, emphasizes that these videos aren’t simply mockeries. They serve to expose women’s behavior and hold them accountable.

She uses the example of “Central Park Karen,” who called the police on a Black man for birdwatching in New York City’s Central Park. This is an example of racialized fear put on display, and she believes it exemplifies how ‘Karen’ memes can help stamp out such aggression.

This type of aggressive behavior isn’t simply innocuous; it’s also indicative that white people still believe they have some sort of power over black people. And that is precisely what the ‘Karen’ meme is all about: calling attention to the damaging effects of white privilege and holding those responsible for it accountable.

Humor helps people cope with the racism they experience daily, which can be challenging to do but one of the most essential steps anyone can take to fight this systemic injustice in their own lives.

Fighting white supremacy is essential, and that’s why black people need a voice. The internet can be an effective outlet for frustration and finding others who share similar struggles, but it must also be handled carefully if those trying to speak up don’t know how to utilize social media effectively.

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