Karens were an offensive term used as slang to demeaningly refer to white women perceived as entitled or demanding beyond what is expected. This included calls the police made against Black people in public places or unfairly reserved parking spots for themselves.
As the national conversation about Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter intensified, being called a Karen began to carry more serious implications. Nowadays, it’s often associated with insensitivity towards race and white supremacy.
Early References
The Karens are a Southeast Asian ethnic group renowned for their farming abilities. Additionally, they possess an intense connection to nature and spiritual beliefs; many of their ancestors lived in Burma’s forests and fields.
Karen people employ a number of cultural practices to stay healthy. In their culture, they believe there are many spirits which can destroy their health so it’s necessary to protect their bodies with herbal medicine. Furthermore, certain food taboos such as avoiding yellow foods and papaya due to its potential malaria-causing properties should also be observed.
Karen traditions emphasize the division of their bodies into two distinct parts, tha and k’la (soul and shade). The tha is the conscience that deals with morality while the k’la is flesh responsible for upkeep of life.
Karens have suffered atrocities from other ethnic groups in Burma for much of their history. These included both Burman oppression and Japanese invasions of their homeland during World War II. Furthermore, the Karens were trapped by Burma’s military regime and made to live in refugee camps.
Karens have a firm faith in heaven. Their temples and other structures are adorned with pictures of Buddha and other Buddhist figures, signalling their belief that when they pass away they will ascend to paradise.
Karens have told various legends about their origins and history. One tale recounts an ancient flood which submerged the earth, separating men from their mothers. Ultimately, these scattered men moved to different places.
Another traditional story tells that a white man came and invited the Karens back to their homeland, and in the end they agreed. This allowed for white settlement in the region.
Karens commonly refer to their elders by various titles such as Grandma, Older brother, sister and auntie. Other titles used among the Karens include Thra, Thramu, Saw and Naw.
Origins of the Name
Karen is a feminine given name of Scandinavian and Middle Eastern origin. It derives from the Parthian name of the House of Karen (or Caren), one of seven powerful aristocratic families in ancient Iran. In Armenia as well, this ancient family name is held with reverence and some mythos surrounding its history.
The popularity of the name has declined steadily over time. According to the Social Security Administration, it peaked at number 153 in 2000 and fell as low as 141 by 2003.
Karens have not reached their all-time high popularity level, but the name remains among the most popular baby names in America. Ranking among the top 200 for both boys and girls in 2009, Karens remains a highly sought-after choice for parents.
There have been instances of white women using this epithet, including “BBQ Becky” for calling the police on a Black person barbecuing in a park. And in 2020, when Amy Cooper made a racially motivated 911 call in Central Park, it became popular to refer to her as “Central Park Karen,” leading to the creation of the hashtag #centralparkkaren.
Chen notes that what makes Karens such a problem is their desire to use their privilege for bullying others. Chen acknowledges this isn’t the only reason the name is problematic, but it certainly plays a significant role.
Another possible explanation for why Karen has become increasingly popular is due to the rise of social media shortening and abbreviations, according to Karen. These habits could have contributed to the popularity of the name Karen among many, she observed.
Some Karens have expressed concern with how their name is used in popular culture. They feel that it has become increasingly offensive and derogatory, which has caused them to feel uncomfortable in their own lives.
In some cases, they say this has had an impact on their interactions with others and when to stand up for themselves. Sun, for instance, says it’s become harder for her to speak her mind when she feels someone might take offense at what they say.
Origins of the Slang
Karen is a term often used to denote an arrogant and demanding woman. It tends to apply to self-absorbed white, affluent, and middle aged individuals.
Karen behavior is often used to describe women who exhibit excessive aggression and pettyness in public. Examples of Karen behavior include blocking people from open car spaces so your friend can park there or shouting at retail workers about refund policies.
There are various theories as to where the name Karen originated. Some point to a joke in Dane Cook’s comedy film Retaliation, while others suggest characters from Mean Girls or Goodfellas may have served as inspirations.
Social Security records reveal that Karen reached its height as a popular baby name in 1965. This indicates that most of those using it — typically applied to middle-aged white women — are baby boomers.
Over the past few years, Karen has become a derogatory slang term for white women who exhibit the type of entitled, demanding, and overly aggressive behavior it implies. While these behaviors tend to be seen as racist or bigoted in nature, there have been cases of Karens acting in ways that do not meet this standard.
Multiple online videos have documented the aggressive petty behavior of women referred to as “Karens.” In these clips, women are seen threatening to shut down a child’s lemonade stand for not having a permit and ordering airline employees to wear masks while flying.
In 2020, amid political and racial tensions, the term Karen and its associated meme became increasingly popular as a way of denoting arrogant White women who become incensed over perceived slights. Now it is being used by members of the Black community as an insulting way of calling out racist acts committed by white women, according to Know Your Meme.
It is possible that the slang term “Karen” derives from a combination of “flabbergast” and “aghast,” both meaning “to be amazed by something,” such as being “blown away” by something.
Another possible slang meaning for Karen is the phrase “Speak to the manager,” which describes white women who escalate their complaints or demands to managers at restaurants and retail stores. This expression has inspired numerous slang references, such as the “Speak to the manager haircut,” a short, angled blonde bob that’s often associated with “Karen” slang.
Origins of the Meme
The exact origins of the Karen meme are uncertain, but it appears to have originated with Dane Cook’s 2005 comedy routine. No matter its roots, “Karen” has come to be associated with unreasonable middle-aged white women.
These individuals are usually described as being “rude,” condescending, and engaging in argument with service industry workers to the point of being aggressive. Additionally, these individuals frequently request to speak to the manager when something appears wrong – which can present legal issues for employers.
Over the past year, Karens have become more prevalent on social media. This is especially true when individuals post videos of confrontations with other online. These types of videos often serve to mock class-based and racially-charged hostility that people of color experience.
There is now a debate over whether the Karen meme represents a positive stereotype or not. Defenders of the stereotype argue that it’s simply another example of white people using basic names to mock other groups, while others believe this trend should be stopped immediately.
The “Karen” meme has gained notoriety through TikTok, a social media app where people can post images and videos of themselves. This has allowed for the creation of many different “Karen”-themed images and videos, such as Fajita Karen.
It’s essential to note that while Karen may typically be seen sporting a short haircut, this isn’t the only option. Some Karens have long and thick locks.
Karens are typically depicted as middle-aged Caucasian women with curly hair. They can be depicted as demanding to speak to the manager about minor inconveniences like waiting for a drink at a restaurant.
According to Know Your Meme, the “Karen” image is often used as an insulting term for middle-aged white women who are perceived as entitled. This could include being anti-vaccination, touching someone’s hair without permission and demanding to speak with a manager when something doesn’t feel right. It has also been used in reference to women who call the police on black people or falsely accuse them of racism – which raises serious ethical concerns since it implies these groups are entitled to be discriminated against.