Common Behaviors of Difficult People

Karma for Karens
By Karma for Karens
10 Min Read

Difficult people can be draining, frustrating and downright unpleasant. Not only do they waste your time and money but they also cause you immense suffering in your personal life – from financial hardship to loneliness – making life a misery.

Difficult people often have life experiences that shape their behavior. Therefore, if you find yourself dealing with one or more of these individuals, try to view things from their point of view.

1. Aggressiveness

Aggressiveness is a type of behavior that involves hurting or damaging others, often motivated by anger, fear, or other emotions.

People who act aggressively usually want to gain control of a situation or protect themselves from danger. They may do things such as shouting, fighting or hitting someone, but have difficulty conveying that they are doing so.

Behaviour that is dangerous and could result in serious injury or death. If you believe you may have an aggressive personality, seek assistance immediately to reduce the chance of harming others or yourself.

You can learn to recognize the signs of an aggressive personality before they manifest, helping you avoid any trigger situations that might trigger it. If you are struggling with aggression, a therapist can assist in pinpointing its specific causes.

Aggressive individuals typically demonstrate impulsivity. They tend to act quickly when faced with small issues and don’t think things through carefully.

These individuals can be challenging to work with and quickly escalate into aggressive troublemakers if they feel insecure or lack self-worth.

Some individuals may develop an aggressive pattern as a result of being constantly judged or challenged. This can lead to feelings of rage and frustration, leading to an outburst of aggression.

Behavior such as this could be indicative of a mental health issue, like depression or anxiety. If you believe you might have a disorder, seek professional assistance from a therapist immediately – especially if the disorder is severe or chronic in nature.

2. Selfishness

Selfishness is a type of behavior in which one places one’s own desires and needs ahead of those of others. Whether this behavior is normal or pathological, it can have detrimental effects on our lives.

According to the Wiktionary, selfishness is defined as “an excessive attachment to one’s own interests or happiness – that feeling of supreme self-love or self-preference that motivates a person to pursue his own desires without consideration of those of others.”

People prone to this behavior tend to be opportunists and will take advantage of any opportunities presented to them. Furthermore, they often attempt to maximize their own power and wealth at the expense of others in an attempt to maximize their own success.

Some biologists contend that humans possess an innate selfish nature as a survival instinct designed to ensure our continued existence on this planet. On the other hand, other researchers believe compassion, empathy, and self-sacrifice are equally inborn traits of humans as selfishness.

In some instances, mental health issues can contribute to selfish behavior. For instance, someone suffering from depression may become so consumed with their own emotions that they fail to notice or care about the needs of others.

To help prevent this from occurring, take a moment to reflect on your actions and what drives you. Doing this will enable you to recognize when and how your words or deeds have hurt others.

By understanding your value and worth, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions that promote health and happiness. Furthermore, creating boundaries helps you let go of toxic people who don’t respect your values or desires.

3. Overcompetitiveness

Competition can bring out the best in some people, but too much can be detrimental to mental health. It may lead to poor performance, anxiety and depression as well as eroding your team environment over time.

Psychologists generally agree that competition can be a positive human trait, but it should not be overdone. Some individuals exhibit extreme levels of competition and become completely fixated on their success.

These individuals tend to be insecure or arrogant and struggle with low self-esteem. To prove that they’re superior than their peers, they need to constantly measure up and try to impress others.

When these individuals perform well, they often feel accomplished and even superior to their peers; however, when circumstances do not go as planned, they become embarrassed and self-conscious. Furthermore, they become highly sensitive to criticism or comparisons with others.

Therefore, they may be more vulnerable to self-sabotage and counterproductive behaviors like abdicating their responsibilities or procrastinating when near completion.

To prevent this type of behavior, set goals that are independent from other people’s successes or expectations. Doing so will allow you to grow professionally while also focusing on your own development.

Additionally, try not to take on more work than you are capable of handling at work. Not only will this increase productivity levels, but it will help foster stronger connections with coworkers as well.

Finally, remember that aggressive competitive people often engage in illegal acts. They won’t hesitate to hack into your emails or learn your security codes, so it’s essential that you protect yourself. Furthermore, they have been known to manipulate other people to turn them against you; this can be a serious issue in any workplace; thus, report them and take measures to safeguard your integrity.

4. Callousness

Callousness is the act of neglecting or disregarding another person’s feelings. This behavior is unhealthy and can lead to considerable stress, as well as being indicative of personality disorders.

People with high levels of callousness lack empathy and compassion. They tend to take advantage of other people and their problems, without giving a thought or feeling about how others view or feel about them.

A difficult person will struggle to accept criticism and will become angry when someone points out their mistakes. Additionally, they often exhibit a false sense of superiority, striving to make themselves appear better than other people.

One of the most prevalent behaviors among difficult individuals and can be difficult to manage. Not only does it sap your energy, but it may leave you feeling depleted after spending a long day with these individuals.

There are strategies you can employ to manage this behavior. One such technique is mindfulness. This will help you calm down before reacting and allow for more objective thought.

You can learn to respond positively to the behavior of someone challenging. A positive reaction will likely elicit a similar response from them, helping reduce anxiety and stress levels.

Recently, Chelsea Sleep and her colleagues at the University of Georgia have identified seven characteristics that can help you identify your own challenging personality traits. These traits include callousness, grandiosity, domineering behavior, manipulative skills, suspicion, risk-taking behavior and aggressiveness.

5. Self-centeredness

Self-centered individuals tend to be insensitive and inunable to empathize with others’ emotions. This makes it difficult for them to demonstrate empathy towards others, which in turn makes relationships challenging.

When dealing with a self-centered individual, it may be beneficial to set some boundaries. Doing this allows you to interact on your terms rather than those of the person who is self-centered.

You can use a self-centered person’s behavior as motivation to prioritize your own needs and wants. This can be helpful when managing other life challenges, and will save you energy from spending it on someone who doesn’t respect or prioritize your requirements.

Self-centered people often exhibit the need to be the center of attention. They take pleasure in being noticed, and strive to outdo everyone else in their social circle.

These individuals can be highly manipulative and adept at using guilt and emotions to gain what they desire from others. Furthermore, they tend to possess an inflated ego, making them challenging to manage effectively.

These behaviors can be extremely draining on your energy, so it is best to avoid them if possible. You could also speak with a therapist about them and find out more about them if they are causing you significant distress. Doing this will teach you effective methods for dealing with them while not jeopardizing your health and wellbeing in the process.

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