The term “Karen” has become the go-to label for middle-aged white women who display rudeness and arrogance online. It is an insulting slur and, in some cases, based on class prejudice.
In recent months, videos of people labeled Karen have gone viral on social media platforms. They showcase both white women and men who have harassed service industry workers.
Why Are They So Entitled?
It’s impossible to go online or check your email without coming across a video of Karen getting upset about something she doesn’t agree with. Whether it’s Starbucks’ rule against face masks, or being asked to wear one in hospitals and restaurants, these women get outraged when they feel their rights are being violated.
Their popularity has been building for years, but it reached new heights in 2015 as racial tensions reached new levels and people began to feel the heat.
These videos often depict white people calling the police on Black and brown people for doing things that would not be tolerated in civilized society. A recent example is when a woman falsely reported that a Black man was threatening her and her dog in Central Park. It’s such an egregious example of White privilege that it has prompted San Francisco supervisors to propose legislation that would prohibit racially exploitative non-emergency calls.
Though many of these videos are sexist in nature, some social commentators believe they offer insight into the causes of entitlement behaviors. They provide a lens through which one can view someone’s actions when feeling entitled or angry.
They tend to be middle-aged white women with feelings of anger and dissatisfaction with their lives. These emotions may originate from frustration or hostility towards those who are different from them.
White women in particular must often contend with racism and classism in their daily lives, particularly the Wall of Moms bloc in Portland’s current protest movement. Many activists view these middle-class white women as using their privilege to protest against the very system that causes them so much anger and frustration.
Ultimately, it’s difficult to argue that these women don’t have a right to their opinions. That explains why they often act out of anger and resentment, as well as why they have such an extensive social media presence. But when acting from a sense of entitlement, it can lead to violence or oppression against other people of color.
They Are Taking Advantage of Others
Karens around the world can be an unsettling bunch. They frequently exploit other people in inappropriate and often offensive ways, and are known for being highly self-serving and aggressive in order to further their own interests. Not only are these individuals taking advantage of others, but they may also put themselves at risk by doing so.
These women are taking advantage of others, often seeking something in return for their services. They could be seeking financial gain by offering free services or using others’ property for personal gain. No matter why these individuals do these things, it should not be tolerated.
It can be incredibly challenging to fight back against people like Karen. Fortunately, there are ways you can take in order to prevent becoming one of them in the first place.
One of the best ways to prevent this is learning how to read body language and be aware of your own emotions. Doing this will enable you to distinguish if someone is being aggressive or simply acting out of character.
If you find your friend acting aggressive, it may be beneficial to have a conversation with them about their behaviour. This is especially important if they seem overbearing or controlling. Stay calm and explain the situation clearly in an objective way.
Alternatively, if you think your friend is being abusive or overbearing, then it would be wise to cut ties with them. Doing this will allow you to protect yourself and those close to you.
As Karens around the world become more visible and commonplace, it is beneficial to take a closer look at why they act this way. You can do this by analyzing their actions as well as what they say.
In 2020, when a woman in Central Park called the police on a Black man for asking her to put her dog on a leash, she earned herself the moniker “Central Park Karen”. This became so popular online that people began calling her all sorts of things.
They Are Taking Advantage of the System
Karen has come to be associated with self-serving white women who demand their way. These powerful individuals often exploit their privilege, sometimes engaging in violence against Black and brown people without even realizing it.
The nickname Karen comes from a Danish contraction of Katherine, which in turn derives from the Greek goddess Hecate. As goddess of witchcraft and crossroads, borders, graveyards – Hecate has long been associated with modern-day Karen as an updated take on this ancient legend.
Bionic, a company that utilizes customer feedback to enhance brand experiences, recently conducted a study of over one million reviews of products around the world to identify which names were most often called Karens. When matching those names to actual incidents, they discovered that many involved complaints from people with Karen surnames; most common among women from countries like India, US and England.
Some are dismissing it as a harmless joke, while others maintain that using this nickname in such an offensive and discriminatory light is deeply troubling and racist. Indeed, the name has been used to denigrate women of color–from suffragettes to feminists–on numerous occasions.
Karens in the United States tend to be middle aged and white. They typically demand to speak with the manager, subscribe to conspiracy theories and complain about everything from their children’s health issues to credit card bills.
These women have become the focus of numerous social media and internet memes. Videos depicting Karens screaming at cashiers in clothing stores or supermarkets tend to get more clicks than videos featuring men, according to researchers from Columbia University’s Center for Research on Women.
That’s problematic, as it implies the name Karen is being used as an excuse for other negative behaviors associated with women of color. Indeed, several years ago a viral post entitled “Karen is no youthful child” made an obvious sexist reference to Karens who are “still fully formed” and demanding to speak to their managers.
They Are Taking Advantage of Their Children
Parents likely know at least one Karen. These self-absorbed, entitled and snobby middle aged women think they know it all and don’t let anyone stand in their way.
They tend to be highly racist, closed-minded and vocal about their ignorant views. These individuals might post about someone looking suspicious in a public park or demand that customers be allowed into stores without wearing face masks.
These people can be especially dangerous, as their actions often come at the expense of other marginalized groups. They may harass Black people in parks, make racial threats to their neighbors, and even call the police on Black birdwatchers in Central Park.
Karens come in many forms, but most often associate with middle-aged white women who are racist and closed-minded about everything from vaccines for their children to politics. These individuals will use their privilege to exploit other people.
In 2020, when “Central Park Karen” called the cops on a Black birder in New York City’s Central Park, the phrase became associated with white women who were ruthless about asserting their rights. According to David Dennis Jr., a journalist who wrote about this type of behavior, these types of individuals can be highly aggressive and irrational in their thinking.
He noted that these Karens are the kind of individuals who seek to wield power over Black people, just as they did during slavery and 1992. They desire to dictate how Black people conduct themselves in their neighborhood and on their property.
Dennis notes that Black people often make a point of calling the police on themselves when they see Black folks walking their dog or having children run around on the sidewalk. These individuals will seek out law enforcement assistance whenever they observe Black folks exercising or having fun outdoors.
arens are a type of social media celebrity who make their way around the internet. They’re often filmed throwing tantrums over social-distancing rules, refusing to wear face masks and calling the police on people of color for minor infractions.
But what’s so interesting about these videos is that Karens tend to be white women. The “Karen” slur is woman-hating and based on class prejudice, according to British feminist commentator Julie Bindel.