5 Tips to Put a Stop to Your Entitled Karen Behavior

Karma for Karens
By Karma for Karens
11 Min Read

Social media users have increasingly taken to using “Karen” as an informal name to refer to white women they perceive to be acting entitled in public spaces. Though not entirely new, this trend is now widespread and becoming increasingly common.

Karens are usually middle-aged white women who sport bob-haircuts, are predisposed to being entitled, and engage in social policing activities. These individuals have been caught on camera calling the police on Black people, policing their neighbors or blocking people from leaving parking lots.

1. Don’t take it personally

When someone criticizes your entitled Karen behavior, it’s important to remain objective and not take offense at what they have said. They may not mean what they mean in any particular way either.

Karens have become a widely used descriptor for white women who tend to throw temper tantrums in public spaces, often appearing in viral videos.

Women often resort to tantrums when their wishes aren’t fulfilled or when they require special consideration. They’re the ones who yell at Starbucks employees or demand they speak to managers over even minor matters; those who call the police on people for asking them to leash their dogs in Central Park; even calling security when someone suggests leashing her pet may become victims of these women.

These women tend to believe their way is the only right one and refuse to compromise their values to please anyone else. Their conviction stems from deep mistrust of others as well as feeling superior over everyone around them.

They reflect Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones in this way — she rules Westeros with an obsession for status markers that ensure she stays at the top.

But while Karens may often exhibit such behaviors, this doesn’t have to become part of their identity permanently. Some women learn to acknowledge their entitlement, using it instead for good rather than evil. As such, this character serves as a reminder for us all to be more thoughtful towards others and use our voices to advocate for those whose rights haven’t been given proper consideration.

2. Be kind

As the pandemic worsens and people try to socially distain themselves from one another, Karens have emerged as an effective way of calling out harmful behaviors on social media.

One of the more frequent Karen behaviors involves verbally assaulting service industry employees, complaining about ordering the incorrect food items or making inappropriate remarks in public. Although these acts may seem frustrating at times, remember that these Karens are simply seeking ways to feel better.

Karen can sometimes exhibit behavior that seems counter-productive to their success in business by trying to gain special consideration from businesses. Although this may appear tempting, remember that such attempts go against company policy and could cost her the sale.

Whenever Karen requests discounts or free services from your establishment, it is crucial that she has signed an appropriate contract in order to protect yourself against her getting her way and creating havoc in your establishment. Otherwise, they could take whatever actions necessary in order to get what they want without penalty or disruption from you and others in charge.

Karen will appreciate having a contract that clearly outlines all the terms and conditions pertaining to any discounts or services provided free of charge, enabling her to understand what she’s signing up for and helping you handle her more peacefully.

Karen refers to middle-aged white women who exhibit rude and entitled behavior, demanding special treatment they don’t deserve in restaurants, stores and parks. Karens may appear when hungry for power and control – they want to feel superior over others.

3. Ask for help

Studies show that reaching out for assistance can actually boost productivity, mood and motivation.

If you find yourself becoming angry over something minor, take time to reconsider whether it is worth your while to do so. Most people would likely be willing to help out if they thought the idea was sound and did not cause you any physical harm.

One of the hottest new memes has been entitled Karen. Often described as an embittered middle-aged woman demanding special treatment, these characters often disregard customer service and act irrationally; using their superior status to intimidate others.

Dane Cook’s 2005 comedy special has long been associated with the name Karen, though its exact source remains obscure.

Karen represents one in a long tradition of white women who use their privilege to promote white supremacy through subtle but equally deadly means, similar to what men of similar color do. Such actions often result in harassment, discrimination and violent actions against people of color.

As such, it is vital that you don’t become like Karen. Recognizing that others share similar experiences can help stop any destructive patterns in behavior from manifesting.

Start by seeking assistance when your entitled Karen behavior becomes out of hand. While asking for assistance may be hard when angry and frustrated, this step will ensure you receive all of the assistance that is available to you.

4. Don’t be a victim

When faced with someone in genuine need of your assistance, it can be challenging to know how best to approach them. No one wants to come off as being condescending and condescending while not appearing rude either.

At first, you might feel tempted to publicly shame them for their entitled behavior as it can feel like much-needed justice; but doing so won’t solve their problem and might make matters even worse.

The “Karen” meme started out as an innocent joke, but has quickly evolved into an effective tool of white supremacy and social policing. Its association with white privilege is more evident than ever and unlikely to disappear anytime soon.

What began as a harmless joke has grown into a risky form of expression for racist white women who use their privilege to demand what they want from Black people and other marginalized groups, often at their expense. Karens have even been caught on video threatening minority customers with calling the police if they don’t get what they want – endangering lives along the way.

This trend is concerning and only becoming worse, so it is vital that individuals recognize what entitled Karen behavior looks like and learn how to avoid it. Here are five tips to stop such behaviour in themselves.

Although these tips might sound simple, putting them into action in real life may prove more challenging than expected. But taking on such challenges could save lives in the process! As both a customer or service worker, remember these strategies the next time you encounter an entitled Karen.

5. Don’t be defensive

Defensive behaviors are typically used as a defense mechanism when we feel insecure, ashamed, hurt, or threatened by something someone said to us which was offensive or threatening; such responses might include sarcasm, silence or sharp criticism in response to something someone else said that is offensive or threatens us in some way.

As a society, we tend to judge people based on how they look or behave and this can often lead to us feeling defensive when someone attempts to take advantage of us. But it is important to remember that everyone has their own experiences and beliefs which shouldn’t be discounted when making judgments of people based on appearance.

At times, our actions can become counter-productive and detrimental to ourselves, others, or the community at large. When it comes to Karen behavior, this can stem from feelings of entitlement, racism or self-hatred.

One of the key things to remember is that acting to defend yourself can be harmful to both your mental health and overall quality of life. This may affect relationships as well as overall quality of life.

One way to stop yourself from becoming defensive is to understand what sets off your defensive tendencies and its potential impact on relationships with others. Knowing these triggers will allow you to identify when it’s necessary to step back and consider your actions before reacting, is key in staying neutral or becoming reactive.

Utilizing these strategies, you can put an end to your entitled Karen behavior and start living your best life. If you still find yourself having difficulty, do not hesitate to seek professional assistance such as therapy; therapy sessions allow for open discussions of thoughts and emotions with someone who can provide valuable insights.

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