Karens have become the subjects of widespread online outrage due to their annoying behaviors. From calling the cops on black people or complaining that a store doesn’t stock their product to calling police on black people without provocation – Karens often exhibit both privilege and powerlessness simultaneously.
Karens have the narcissism to act like they own everything around them and every individual within it, creating the impression of dominance over all they encounter. Here are five signs you might be dealing with a Karen:
1. You Can’t Stop Talking
“Karen” has become a viral meme thanks to memes that expose how certain white women act in public, but the term doesn’t just serve as a joke–it also highlights racism and privilege that some don’t wish to acknowledge. Karen refers to a specific type of person–usually white female–who believes the world revolves around her and that everyone must cater to her every whim.
Karens can easily be identified by their attitude and dialogue with others. Karen will often seem annoyed and condescending towards you; she might even roll her eyes; she won’t allow you to get your point across! Karens love to complain and will talk negatively about others behind your back, so it’s best not engaging with them directly if possible.
If she can’t get what she wants, Karen may resort to blaming or threatening you in order to achieve what she desires. For instance, she might claim you misspelled her name on her coffee order or charged more than expected – and if nothing else works she might call the manager or police on you to gain her desired result.
These behaviors are all about power, and Karens know exactly how to utilize them to their own benefit. Unfortunately, however, these same tactics can also be detrimental to your own wellbeing if you try too hard to please a Karen. You’ll quickly become exhausted and stressed trying to please this individual while doubting yourself and questioning values and integrity; that’s why it is crucial that you learn the signs of Karen so you can recognize them before it’s too late.
2. She’s Always Right
Karens believe they know everything and everyone else is wrong. While usually well educated, they have an overblown narcissism which causes them to think they are superior and that others should listen only to them. These Karens can be very self-serving and manipulative as well as histrionic or sadistic. Psychologically speaking this type of entitlement can be dangerous to those close to them.
Karens can be charming at first, but their rude entitlement can wear you down quickly. If you find yourself involved with one, try to address their behavior as soon as it arises before it escalates – this may require having conversations about feelings with them in a non-confrontational way, but making yourself known will ensure a successful relationship! Karens tend to be high strung, so helping them calm down may be key in maintaining it.
If a Karen is taking advantage of you repeatedly, it may be best to terminate their relationship. Karens often fail to recognize when they’re being rude or condescending, making it easy for them to justify their behavior by convincing others it’s okay.
If your Karen’s behavior continues, it might be time for a change. There are so many deserving people out there who deserve your kindness and consideration that wasting your time with a Karen is not worth your while or effort. Karens often live inside an echo chamber and can become angry or fearful of anything foreign to them; this makes them intolerant towards people from other races and cultures – for instance a Karen might become upset upon seeing black children playing nearby or Hispanic employees at restaurants.
3. She’s Always Angry
Karen often becomes angry and indignant over things she doesn’t understand or finds unfair, and will voice her opinions without considering if they’re reasonable. She exhibits attention-seeking tendencies similar to those found in spoiled brats; therefore she lacks the capacity for independent thought.
Karen can often be seen refusing to wear masks in public, calling the cops on those taking walks through parks, or being upset when service workers don’t match up with her beliefs at restaurants. When this occurs, Karen becomes angry and will demand management intervene and consider her side of any argument.
Karen’s behavior can be explained by her increased sense of entitlement since the COVID-19 pandemic began, believing that everything should revolve around her needs, regardless of those suffering or limited freedoms they experience as less privileged individuals.
She may also exhibit racist and hateful attitudes toward people of color or marginalized groups. According to Dani Weller, customer service team leader at Bionic, Karen’s actions and reactions often stem from her personal biases and prejudices; furthermore, she may feel victimized herself.
Though Karens are nothing new, people seem more aware of them due to the coronavirus lockdown. No matter whether or not you deal with Karen directly, recognizing these signs will allow you to remain safe and avoid her potentially toxic behavior and hopefully her actions will serve as a wakeup call about just how irritating and disrespectful she can be.
4. She’s Always Trying to Get What She Wants
Karens are known for always fighting hard for what they want no matter the cost or inconvenience to others. With an attitude that favors entitlement, Karen believes the world should revolve around her. If any obstacles or roadblocks get in her way she will speak out firmly against anyone standing in her way. Constantly manipulating others she takes out her frustrations on those closest to her.
Karen is an abusive narcissist. Narcissism is a personality disorder in which an individual becomes overly focused on themselves and seeks attention at any cost; Karens exhibit this trait by being self-centered, attention seeking, manipulative and deceitful – they’ll do anything in order to get what they want – this often includes belittling people while making them feel inferior, and shouting in front of everyone they encounter.
However, they tend to be highly insensitive towards the world outside their bubble and fail to appreciate other cultures, which can make them angry toward members of other races if they believe their lives may be threatened in some way.
Know you are dealing with Karen when she shouts at a fast food worker, interrupts a restaurant table while talking over them or attempts to argue with the store manager over stocking their stores. Karen often has outdated fashion styles – glasses from another generation and clothes she wore 20 years ago are telltale signs.
The term “Karen” originated from a viral video posted during the coronavirus pandemic that showed a woman criticizing service industry workers and spreading false coronavirus theories. Since then, it has become a catchphrase that describes an ideal woman and has made many aware of warning signs associated with dating one.
5. She’s Always Embarrassed
As soon as the Karen meme began spreading across social media, many took offense at it — labeling it misogynistic and accusing it of being a new form of racism. Yet Karens have actually existed for some time – from 1990s “BBQ Beckys” to suburban mom-like characters in Sir Mix-a-Lot songs, there have always been instances in real life of Karen being depicted this way.
Karens tend to be white women who take advantage of their privilege in order to feel superior to everyone else. These Karens tend to wear outmoded hair styles, older generation glasses and clothing from twenty years ago that still fits. Additionally, they typically drive SUVs, dislike skateboarders and frequently yell about any issue they’re currently having even if it means just being at a restaurant or grocery store.
These women do not consider how their behavior may impact those around them; they believe the world owes them everything and that they’re above anyone who doesn’t share the same lifestyle or economic status. Furthermore, they tend to have entitlement issues and often demand speaking with the manager when out at a restaurant or retail store.
Though it can be challenging to know how best to deal with Karens, there are certain strategies that may assist. First and foremost, staying calm and objectively explaining their situation to them will help prevent an argument between you and Karen and further labelling her as such. Furthermore, keeping records of every time Karen has complained publicly about other people or their behaviors would also prove useful.